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Old 01-27-2007, 06:49 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
Monsters Inc was on Christmas Day here. I didn't see all of it but is true Randall is so popular? I'll say this for him he was beautifully animated and moved very nicely. That was true of most of the monsters but those pixar movies really fall down with the human characters. They look stiff and dead to me, especially the Princess in Shrek when she's not an ogre.

Anyway to keep with the actual thread I'll say Monsters Inc as it was funny and well made. Randall would have to be in it, probably plotting revenge, as it seemed to me that unless the BBC cut a bit he wasn't killed. He was just getting a good sorting out.
Just check out the Monsters, Inc. fanfic section on and you'll see what I mean about Randall's popularity! Or, IF you can get the sometimes-on, sometimes-off search feature on to work, do a search for "Randall Boggs" or "Monsters, Inc." and see how much Randall fanart you'll come up with. Like I said, he's the only character who has a forum devoted to him. I guess a lot of people can, like me, see beyond the surface with the guy and realize that there's a lot more to him than an attitude.

I'm hoping that you're right, in that he was just getting a "good sorting out", as you put it, or as we'd say here in the US, an "attitude adjustment"-getting some sense knocked into that hard head, a proverbial Blinding Light on the Road to Damascus, in Biblical terms. With some people, that's what it takes to set them straight. The reason, though, that I think Pixar wanted viewers to believe he got killed is because that scene took place in southern Louisiana, the people in the trailer thought he was a "gator", and alligator meat is dietary staple in Louisiana, so we're supposed to believe that he was killed and EATEN by those people.

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