Originally Posted by Voxxyn
If they ever make Monster's Inc 2, I won't be surprised if they have Randall turn good to please his many fans and sympathizers. It wouldn't be the first time a Disney baddie turned good. 
I'd love to see that, too, but not in a "sappy" way. Randall needs to still keep that "edge", since even his most die-hard fans(and I'm one of 'em)won't buy into him suddenly turning into....well, Wilt, for instance, lol! While it was IMPLIED that he was beaten to death by that little redneck woman in the trailer home in Louisiana, we didn't actually see it, and if he DID die, that would actually make Sulley and Mike guilty of premeditated murder, since they were directly responsible for him being killed, and put him in that situation with the knowledge that he would most likely be killed. To a court of law, it matters nothing that someone had tried to harm you previously if you kill them out of revenge, especially if you have to plan their demise first. I somehow don't think that Pixar(or Disney)want one of their "heroic" characters to be seen as murderers, and it IS true that of all the characters in that movie, Randall certainly has the most fans, and the most devoted fans. He is, after all, the only character who has an actual forum dedicated to him! I'm far more interested in a sequel that shows HIS story as much as it concentrates on Mike and Sulley, since we already know how things turned out for them-unless of course, their dirty little secret gets out.