Okay, I got this cool idea, but I don't have a scanner.
I hope if anyone has heard of "Class of 3000" and is a member of deviantart, because I was wondering if someone can draw Wilt as Philly Phil and Eduardo as Eddie. I noticed that both Wilt and Philly Phil were voiced by Phil LaMaar and Eduardo and Eddie are voiced by Tom Kenny. It's been stuck in my head for a while. I'd draw it, but I forgot what Philly Phil's outfit looks like.
I hope that someone can do it.
"I made it myself!" -GIR
"Chwithmith?! I mean, Christmas?! But that was months ago!" -Wilt
"Wilt, your my best friend. You got to stop saying your sorry. It's not okay. Okay?" -Jordan Micheals

Icon made by Xx Broken With A SmilexX!