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Old 01-22-2007, 09:51 PM   #37
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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Originally Posted by Nathander View Post
Merely out of curiousity, you've brough hentai up at least twice. I'm sorry, but I have to know why you feel the Foster's universe is in need of hentai elements. I'm not trying to pick on you, really; I just want to try to understand why this point is repeatedly brought up, and specificially considering you'r talking about Urotsukidoji.
On that note megatron, I have actually received complaints from forum members because you've brought that stuff up not just once (which wasn't necessary) but multiple times, and people are concerned about what you might mention next. I do suggest you DON'T mention that kind of thing again. Not even in the Spam forum, nowhere. This is a family-friendly forum, readable by people of every age. Plus I think most of us really just don't want to hear about it. (Oh yeah and it's kinda toeing the rules, too.)
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