Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
I'm still pissed about how the award show screwed everyone in the animation department out of getting 5 slots for the awards. But I must admit, I was surprised when "Cars" won. I was for sure expecting "Happy Feet" to win.
I lost all faith in award shows when Chriss Rock was made host (of the Oscers I think), and downright insulted when they let him bring Adam Sandler up so they could do a (very unfunny) team-up act.
I havent paid the Golden Globes any attention but my vote, if any, would go to 24. I've only seen one season in its entirety and the cliffhanger surprise ending of the two-day-four-episode-season-premeir has left me speechless with goosbumps! It reminded me why I need to get the show on dvd.