I honestly don't care to vote much on this mostly because I HATE most awards shows. They constantly pick the same 4 or 5 movies and put them in every other award category while usually everything I go to see at the theaters is considered "trash" will never be nominated.
I also especially am pissed at the director's choice and animator's choice awards because: 1. I find it totally unfair that Eastwood gets nominated twice, even if he did make films worthy of the awards, it gives him an unfair advantage. And 2: thanks to "Arthur and the Invisibles", only 3 animated movies are nominated.
This cut out alot of QUALITY animated movies (Over the hedge included) to be cut out because of a stupid rule. The only votes I shout to are:
Comedy actor: Steve Carrell for "The Office"
Comedy series: "The Office"
Best Drama TV series: "Heroes"
And Supporting actor: Masi Oka for "Heroes"
Btw, my award show hating came from one particular movie, "The English Patient".