Here are more Crash Bandicoot characters that are going to appear in my upcoming fanfic:

Dr. N. Tropy is a master of time and quantum warp technology. A minute spent with him is like an eternity, which makes him obsessed with time. N. Tropy is an old friend of Uka Uka's and, in the words of the latter, "a great asset to the cause of evil". Tropy has the ability to control time, and he can freeze it without a problem. However, when he misses his objective, he gets excessively frustrated and tired, which makes this one of his weak points. He usually carries around some sort of giant two-dented fork, which he uses to create energy beams and likenesses. The time doctor was initially partners with Dr. Cortex, but a few recent happenings suggest that he now acts entirely on his own. One of the doctor's hobbies is disturbing the time flow by creating time paradoxes for laughs. Currently, he has been seen working with Dr. Nitrus Brio. Whether or not they've become full time partners is something that is yet to be known. He now has a shiny new golden armour, which gives him more protection and, of course, one of the most stylish looks amongst doctor fashion.

Dr. N. Brio is a scientist known by his achievements in gene modification and special formulas. Initially, he worked for Dr. Cortex, but soon turned against him because he was too pushy, and kept all the credit from Brio's hard work. It was this hatred towards his former master that fueled his seek for revenge, eventually even aiding Crash Bandicoot in the destruction of Dr. Cortex's second Cortex Vortex. Dr. N. Brio invented the first fully operational Evolvo-Ray. In his early fight against Dr. Cortex, he created some mutants of his own, and sent them against Crash (whom he thought to be working with Dr. Cortex). Brio is capable of transforming himself into monster forms, by drinking his scientific formulas that he keeps in beakers. He has been seen transforming into a hulking giant, and a huge frog-like creature. Currently he was seen working with Dr. N. Tropy. It is still not known whether this is a part-time job or not.

Ripper Roo, a.k.a. Dr. Roo, was one of the first animals being evolved by Dr. Cortex, and therefore, one of the least successful. Crazy, demented, not-all-there, Ripper Roo is easily one of the wackiest foes around. His trademark laughter is often performed in various situations, including him getting blown up. As a kangaroo, Ripper Roo's means of moving are jumping around frantically, madly, and dangerously, with his sharp toe nails. He seems to have preference for explosive crates. After being defeated for the first time, Ripper Roo underwent some serious therapy. He then emerged as a not-so-crazy character, almost doctor-like- wearing a top hat, glasses, a bow-tie, a cane and even reading books quietly. Unfortunately, Crash's doings made him return to his old self again, so now he's madder than ever.

Pinstripe Potoroo is another mutant created by Dr. Cortex, Pinstripe is a gangster potoroo that makes no bones about protecting his employer with wits, skills, and a fully loaded tommy gun. Unlike some of the other evolved animals, he is able to talk clearly (with a gangster accent), and is rather intelligent. Though originally loyal to Dr. Cortex, he now seems to act on his own, though he doesn't show up much, nor does he cause too much trouble.

Once a peaceful koala, Kong was captured and evolved by Dr. Neo Cortex. He is one of his first mutants, and as such, he wasn't a complete success. When Dr. Cortex created Kong, he added too many protons too the muscle department, and too few to his brain. Kong is quite a brute character, so he likes to throw stuff around and do poses to show off his muscles. He's not much of a talker.

Fake Crash is a mysterious bandicoot who is known by appearing in the most random places. As the name implies, he looks like an imitation of Crash Bandicoot, though there are some key differences (such as huge eyebrows and teeth). He has rather a goofy personality and voice. His creator is unknown.

In the mysterious 10th Dimension, there lives an evil bandicoot known as Evil Crash. Like everything in this dimension, he is the exact opposite of something that belongs in our dimension (in this case, Crash Bandicoot). Evil Crash has carnivorous tendencies and growls often. He doesn't seem very smart, but he is strong. In relation to Crash, he has a darker fur, pointy fangs, big nails and a stronger body. Evil Crash lives in a small house, located in Twinsanity Island.

Tiny the Tiger is one of Dr. Cortex's mutated animal allies. As a tiger, Tiny roars. A lot. One of his hobbies is smashing stuff, especially if that stuff is composed of bandicoots. However, Tiny was never successful in destroying the bandicoot heroes, perhaps due to his lack of intelligence. Though he can talk and understand what he is told (most of the times), Tiny isn't very bright, and often makes mistakes. Another of his hobbies is weightlifting. To keep his muscle-bound shape, Tiny likes to exercise with extremely heavy weights, which he actually finds quite easy to lift (and sometimes bend). He is usually grouped with the other baddies nowadays.

Dingodile is one of Dr. Cortex's mutants. As the name implies, he is half dingo and half crocodile. He always carries his trusty flamethrower with him, which is attached to a large gas pipe on his back. Dingodile may seem like an ordinary henchman, but he is actually one of the most intelligent among Dr. Cortex's army. His hobbies include reading Shakespeare and playing croquet. He talks with a distinct Australian accent.

Aku Aku was once a great benevolent witch doctor. He cared for the well-being of his fellows and nature. Today he is no longer a living being, but his spirit still communicates through the aid of special masks. Ever since the creation of Crash Bandicoot, Aku Aku has been protecting him whenever he must set out to save the World. Aku Aku is a strong ally in the fight against Dr. Neo Cortex and his master Uka Uka, Aku Aku's evil twin brother.

Uka Uka, sometimes referred to as "The Great Uka Uka", is Aku Aku's evil twin brother. Like Aku Aku, his spirit resides on a special mask. Uka Uka is exactly the opposite of his brother: pure evil, malicious and grunty. Uka Uka is also Dr. Cortex's boss, and as anyone can guess, is not satisfied with the doctor's failures. He still keeps the doc around, even though he has the power to get rid of him easily. Uka Uka is also good friends with Dr. Nefarious Tropy, which is loyal to the big baddie. Originally, Uka Uka was unbeknownst to most people, because he was locked away. Long ago, Aku Aku locked Uka Uka in a jungle prision, but when Crash managed to destroy the new station-sized Cortex Vortex, the latter landed on the said prision, releasing Uka Uka for more evil doing. Aku Aku and Uka Uka have the same strength and power, and only team up in cases of extreme danger for both.