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Old 01-13-2007, 07:49 AM   #50
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The thing I've always hated the most about traditional cartoons, and I guess, some Anime(don't watch it, so I might be wrong here)is that so many have a plot that revolve around a "Good Guy", who's always flawless and does only "good" things", and a "Bad Guy", or villain, who's out to "get" the Good Guy, no matter what, and who is thoroughly rotten to the core. Quite often there was no reason given for why the Bad Guy had it in for the Good Guy, although sometimes this was simply a matter of who was highest on the food chain(ex. Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner). Most episodes featured the Bad Guy going to some great length to kill/hurt/catch/stop the Good Guy, and the Good eventually prevailing, making the Bad Guy look like a fool. It was pretty much clear-cut that people are either totally Good or totally Bad, no in between; Good people never do bad things, and Bad people are certainly incapable of doing anything good.

I guess that's one of the reasons why Foster's appeals to me-the characters more closely mirror real life. It's difficult to determine, sometimes, whether to call Bloo a "Good Guy" or a "Bad Guy", as he's certainly done things that would qualify him for both catagories. Even Wilt has done some things that were clearly bad, like pushing Mr. Herriman down the stairs in "Bus the Two of Us", while Duchess did a favor for Eduardo. True, she SAID that it was to keep him from making HER look bad in the photo, but it was still a favor, so it goes to show that no one is totally good or bad on the show. Given time, we usually find out the reasons and past experiences that make the characters "tick" and give insight as to why they do the things they do, and we're led to wonder about the ones we have not learned about yet, rather than be asked to simply accept that "So-and-So is evil" or "What-His-Face is pure Goodness".

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