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Old 01-12-2007, 05:57 PM   #7
some guy you dont know
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
Professional wrestling.

Yes, you read that right. I'm a wrestling fan. Well, I'm not such a big follower currently, but I still get lots of enjoyment from the spectacle and action.

I can easily see why it's become such a major laughingstock in the entertainment world, and I respect anyone who dislikes it out of pure personal preference. But I find it extremely ignorant and offensive to dismiss it as being "100% fake". It's staged and it's scripted, but it's still a very physically demanding sport, and the actual wrestlers work very hard and often long schedules, and legitimately risk their bodies to entertain their fans.
yeah.. same here. im watching it right now actually. but then again, if you grow up in it, you pretty much grow into it. its not really all that fake once you think about it though, after all they go throguh and stuff, plus the emotional pain of always being away from family every day of the year almost.. but yeah, pro wrestling = guilty pleasure.

other than pro wrestling, i cant really think of anything thats a guilty pleasure for me. most stuff i dont really care about what people think of it.
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