I think you pretty much covered everything.
I also think that people should be the judge of whether or not a picture is useful or not. Before you upload, think, can this picture really be used in the Wiki? Is it important enough to be used in the Wiki? Pictures that might have a character making a weird face or whatever, yeah those are cool to look at... but we need things that'll be useful.
Also if you plan on uploading things to the screencap section, please put what episode it is in the file name, followed by the number it is. For example, it'd be better to put up something like "berry_scary07.jpg" instead of "berry.jpg" Unless it's the most amazing and rare picture in the world, it will be deleated. K?
And oh the character section of the photobucket thing, that's for things like clip-art like Sparky's site hosts, cast images, and that sort of thing.