Yeah, I was quite interested to see what long-term Avatar fans would make of this news actually, because whilst M. Night Shyamalan is quite a prestigious writer-director, he's hardly universally adored; in fact, he's one of the most divisive filmmakers out there, with as many people really despising his body of work as there are that think he's a genius. Combine that with the fact that he's just come off the back of the relative failure of The Village and the absolute failure of Lady In The Water, and I can see why some Avatar fans might be more worried about this than actually pleased about it...
Still, a word of encouragement; do bear in mind that this isn't actually Shyamalan's first stab at adapting a beloved children's story. People tend to overlook it, but even though he didn't direct it, he was the main credited writer on the first Stuart Little movie. You can hardly say that the resulting film screamed "Shyamalan", which shows that he is flexible enough to put his own idiosyncracies aside in order to serve the material, if that's what's required...
Last edited by Ditchy McAbandonpants; 01-11-2007 at 07:37 AM.
Reason: Because I used the word "actually" about ten times in two sentences. Actually.