Thread: Widdle Foster's
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Old 01-10-2007, 09:12 PM   #2
Foster's Legend
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Well if anyone is unaware I've drawn a few variations on this idea:

Confused Babes, Uh Oh, More Babies Plz, Wanna pway ball wif me, Weach as faw as yew can, Gonzalo & Flaca, Eduardo's parents and Oswald & Ceila, Wilt's parents.

I think going by age (And guess), Bloo would be the youngest of the troupbe while Coco and Wilt might be around the same age and Eduardo be the second to youngest. As for them being in school, it would be little different to how they act now; only a bit more innocently themed. At least I hope so. You know, Bloo taking charge of the troupe despite being so young, as he does now, and leading them into all kinds of 'back yard' mishaps and such. Nothing as crazy as ending up on tv, but probably ending up in some kinda trouble with parents and teachers.

As you can tell from the last two pictures above, I've already worked out Eduardo and Wilt's 'parents', if they had any. I still can't work out what Coco's looked like, or Bloo's for that matter. Bloo's don't really leave anything for much imagination while Coco's is too insane to try and work out.
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