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Old 01-10-2007, 12:33 PM   #17
Mr. Marshmallow
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I also think this "Avatar" name tag battle doesn't hold much water. Copyright laws don't really go at it unless there's a completely and total duplication of a name or character as a whole, which in this case there is no total duplication going on here.

The show is called "Avatar: the last air bender" and Cameron's movie is called "Avatar", BIG difference. The cartoon show's full name is 5 words, 4 more different then the movie "Avatar". Unless the live movie of the show was gonna be called "Avatar", then that'd be a problem, but I doubt it very much so.

I think the problem here is that Shamalyn is doing something risky and possibly dangerous. While a fantasy director is the ideal candidate for this project, his last two movies honestly sucked if you asked me and bringing a TV show to life is a big project to tackle.

If the movie looks interesting enough maybe I'll go see it but I'm not an Avatar fan, but then again i don't hate the show so we'll see where this goes.
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