Oh duh, you're already the Episode-type-person. My bad!
I think Ch3353 has summed it up the best: Pretty much anything that can be written about. If you were to take the job, then you'd start out by making character profile pages and episode overviews. Simple things like that, then more people could expand on what you've made.
However you would have to go much more in detail with the characters. A good example of this would be looking up a pokemon
Growlithe on Wikipedia compared to
looking up the same one on Bulbapedia. Although it doesn't look like too big of a difference, the Bulbapedia gets down to the real nitty-gritty of the monster in the games. I suppose the equivalent for what we're going to do would be that instead of giving each character a paragraph or a few lines to sum them up, we'd give them a whole page. We'd go over their personality, relationships with other characters, how they've changed over time, that sort of thing. I'm confident that you could pull off such a thing, Kip.