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Old 01-10-2007, 11:37 AM   #16
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Probably is, which is why I don't really buy into those two production companies clawing over the title "Avatar".

"It looks like someone’s going to have to back down, but it will probably be months or years before this p*ssing contest comes to an end, so keep watching this space."

That sounds like EmpireOnline's own words. I think whoever wrote that might have blown things a wee bit out of proportion or read more into it as the media typically does, remember? Stirring things up is its sole reason for existing. And anyway, judging by the time Cameron has already spent working on his project, his own sci-fi flick will most likely be released sooner as Shyamalan hasn't done so much as signed a deal for the "Avatar" trilogy. So, all this commotion for nothing. :3 Anyway, a quarrel isn't something I'll be looking out for, but rather the progress of the film. I'm always a little shaky about live-action film adaptations of cartoons, but I think "Avatar" might work out great. Hope that project doesn't fall through.

Last edited by DoubleLatte; 01-10-2007 at 11:38 AM.
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