I absolutely love this show, but I don't much watch it unless there's a new episode. The re-runs they show are often the episodes where
Spoiler Below Appa goes missing and what he does to try and survive on his own.
My absolute favorite character is Uncle Iroh. He's the kind of uncle I wish
I had! Not to mention he's the second of the comic relief in the show (next to Sokka) and a powerful firebender.

And now, some of my favorite quotes!
SpongeBob: Oh, come on, Squidward. It could be worse!
Patrick: Yeah, you could be bald and have a big nose!
Eduardo: No, Senor Bloo! They es magic, not drive around in no car!
Bloo: Nope, he lost his magic; now he dresses like a lady, and the butterfly has legs and an afro.