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Old 01-08-2007, 07:27 AM   #45
Ditchy McAbandonpants
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Sorry, you must have me confused with some other Harrier jet.  
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Posts: 191

Thanks for the feedback Cassini, Voxxyn; seriously, my posts so far have been so long that I genuinely am quite grateful you even bother to read them.

Oh, and Voxxyn; when I wrote that stuff about fanboys, I did worry a bit about offending people, and to be honest, I was specifically thinking of you. Don't worry, it's my bad; I didn't quite explain that part properly. When I say "fanboy", I was really thinking of my own personal, specific meaning of the word that I have internalised from my experiences on movie and videogame message boards, which it was a mistake to assume everyone else shared. When I say "fanboy" (or girl!), I don't just mean a very passionate fan; I specifically mean the "zombie cheerleader"-type, somebody who has allowed their love of something to totally override their critical faculties. If you're frequent internet users you'll have encountered the type, I'm sure, whether it's the Sony fanboy, the Lord of the Rings fanboy, or scariest of all, the Harry-Hermione shipper (if you don't understand that reference, it's best not to ask ). Likewise, a Frankie "fanboy" - my definition, ie. the real life Douglases and Adams of the GameFAQs forums that Voxxyn mentioned - would doubtlessly list Frankie My Dear as their favourite not because of its quality writing and great characterisation, but because Frankie has the largest airtime in it, in the most revealing clothes. THAT'S the type of "fanboy" I want to distance myself from, so when it came to deciding whether or not to place FMD at the top of my list, I wanted to make sure I was doing it for the right reasons.

I understand, though, that this isn't what everyone thinks of when they say "fanboy", so again I apologise to all the reasonable yet committed fans out there who might have felt slighted by my usage of the term.

PS By the way, Voxxyn - I find it interesting that we keep ending up on opposite sides of debates, because I was just glancing at your interests in your profile and rotating signature and the only thing I don't agree with is your music tastes, and that's probably because I'm not really a music guy. To all other intents and purposes, you actually ARE me. Except I like The Powerpuff Girls as well. And potatoes.
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
Ditchy McAbandonpants
"Is not dead, despite all external indications suggesting otherwise."

Last edited by Ditchy McAbandonpants; 01-14-2007 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Clarification and restructuring...I'm so obsessive. :P
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