Originally Posted by Sparky
Yeah you can turn on Irken-language captions (subtitles). It's a very geeky feature.  As for turning on closed-captioning, is that something I do through my TV set or something? Because there's no option for English subtitles on the DVDs. I *never* use closed-captioning, so I seriously don't know how to turn it on.
Closed captions are something you do through the tv. As for how to put them on, I don't think I'd be able to help since every remote control differs on where to turn on this feature. On my remote, I press "Action", and then choose "TV" on my screen. The closed caption feature is autimatically there. All I have to do is press "Action" again until it reads CC1.
The DVDs probably lack the English subtitles feature because they already have CC.