I just got finished watching this episode again, and it really was a great episode. Frankie actually seems to be the talk of the episode. Even though Bloo's evil cookie organization was the focus, it seems Frankie really won everyone's attention.
Not that I'd feel any different toward that cookie chewing cutie

but, i gotta say, it was surprising the sub plot seems to be the talk of the forums. I also must say this is probably the funniest form of "torture" I've ever seen for someone. Sure, Frankie's probably gonna feel like crap the next day.
But seeing someone down a couple thousand boxes of cookies and jugs of is just too weird not to laugh at. Frankie may be a sweet heart, but she's got one hell of an obsession. Btw, I love how Madame Foster was so excited over getting a pen for her recipie.
"ooooooh a pen, sharp point, my favorite!"