now for the things that annoy me, MUSIC EDITION!
*rap. it really, just drives me nuts.
*anything thats "easy listening" or that jungle stuff. easy listening is as annoying to me as very loud heavy metal is to those guys at the fancy smanchy balls. rock is what i consider easy listening. and that noise out in the jungle makes me want to endanger a few species.
*country. i dont really like accoustic guitars, or fake, maybe real, southren accents. espically in the same 4 minuites.
*any band thats overrated. like KISS. they were ok, but not gods. seriously.
*pop. not all of it, mostly the kind youll hear from Britney spears or those other bimbos. its stupid and annoying.
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools
Botching the game and the best things in life is the motto and the rule