I don't watch much of the show, but my parents LOVE it! I mean, they have, so far, ALL the season DVDs! Seasons 1-5 (or 6)!

But I think this show is funny, too.

This show even have parts when you don't know when to laugh or cry. Like the part when some person died, the scene suddenly changed into an empty room with but a woman in it and started to sing something. Then everyone else starts to sing, except J.D., who is surprised. Then everything starts to go back to normal. So... yeah.

But I like the show.

"I made it myself!" -GIR
"Chwithmith?! I mean, Christmas?! But that was months ago!" -Wilt
"Wilt, your my best friend. You got to stop saying your sorry. It's not okay. Okay?" -Jordan Micheals

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