Thread: Boomerang
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Old 01-05-2007, 12:57 PM   #7
Mr. Marshmallow
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Originally Posted by One Radical Dude View Post
Believe me, what Boomerang Latin America has now is much worse than what the US has now. They have a lot of live-action shows on there.
I'm kinda not surprised. Sooner or later, most networks get tired or fed up with the same old programs even if their channel is designed for a specific program. look at TechTv/G4 TV. Originally it was just computer and video game shows.

Now they got Arrested Development, Star Trek, Cops, Cheaters, The Man Show, and a bunch of other shows that really have little to do with the "Tech" message. Or want a better example, 3 letters: MTV. Talk about a turn coat.

"Music television" my ass, MTV has almost NOTHING music related on their channel anymore, it's all reality series and contest crap that's totally devoid of anything remotely tied to music or the music industry.
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