Megaman's X games were a glorified pain in the ass. I only successfully managed to get to the end of the first 2 X games, I never could kill the final boss Sigma in X 1, and I always died against one of the 3 robot mid bosses in Megaman X 2.
Okay, here's my game low down. The only games that I WANTED to play but couldn't because they were too hard, or not my personal choice, were Chrono Cross and Kingdom Hearts. I love BOTH of those games VERY very much.
But I hate rpgs, I just can't get into them and I never could get the hang of them. So I settled for watching my brother play them. Which was fine by me, Kingdom Hearts has one of the greatest stories I have ever seen in a game.
And I'm not gonna let my inability to play rpgs to prevent me from seeing such a magnificent storyline. Now, the only video game I do play and is extremely freaking hard would be Jak 2 for the Playstation 2. I LOVE the Jak game series.
But Jak 2 was insanely hard, talk about a controller thrower. Half the challeneges in that game are so unbelviably difficult and frustrating, I end up screaming and cursing at the screen till my voice dies out or something.
Jak 3 and even Jak X: Combat racing were no where near as difficult as Jak 2 was, still, I love the game to death and I love the Jak series no matter what.