Thread: Boomerang
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Old 01-05-2007, 12:45 PM   #5
Mr. Marshmallow
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Boomerang actually is showing newer cartoons, I used to watch alot of them late at night during their "action hour" thing. But this was back when I had Boomerang when my cable service was Dish network, now it's under Comcast.

I sadly don't get Boomerang anymore but the last I had of it, I do know they were showing recent toons at around 10 o'clock at night. The thing is, the recent toons was all DC super hero shows. Batman, Superman, and Justice League.

They would air them back to back, sometimes randomzing the episode order for each show. But they showed Batman and Superman: animated series, and they just added Justice League before my cable service switched over to Comcast.

If this continued, i have no doubt Justice League: Unlimited would have been brought over to there too. But I think Cartoon Network was getting pissy about that because I noticed Teen Titans wasn't on this Boomerang block.

The shows Boomerang were airing were DC toons CN were not playing anymore, so CN started airing Teen Titan reruns again to avoid them going over to Boomerbang, or so I think. I have no idea what Boomerang's airing now.
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