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Old 12-28-2006, 07:11 AM   #2
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yes and no. All good games should be solvable, but there are many that are very chalanging. All gameplayers(no matter how good they are) have eventually either abondon a game or use a Cheat/walkthrough to help them. I have finished many games in the past, without Helpers, but I do sometimes resort to helpers to keep the game entertaining before abandoning it.

Curently I only play a fraction of the games that I use to play ten years ago, also I have not played many console games since the early 90's (my last consol machine was the Saga CD)

I love games that take only a few days to complete, mostly adventure games. I use to like RPG but they just take too long to build up characters ( with the exception of Might and Magic series)

I would agree that most driving games are hard. with some levels/missions next to imposible to complete. However I found GTA3 not bad(If that counts as a racing Game)

Also sometimes System Hardware makes a big difference in Gameplay. I've played some old games that just run to fast on newer hardware. and I have seen many games that run very poorly on the recomended Hardware. Noctropolic by EA was the best example of this, it either ran too slow or too fast there was no Ideal hardware for that game.

back on topic, Two games I recently abandoned, uninstalled and may reload eventually are Comandos 3, and Midnight Club 2. commandos 3 is so hard compared to the eirlier comandos titles. and midnight club 2 was good, I made it about half way through, but I unloaded it to free Disk space becasue it was getting anoiing to rerun the same race 20 times before passing it.

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