Originally Posted by Jabberwocky
Ratatouille looks cute, as much as I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE cg animation.
Really? That's a first, considering how CG animation is basically
all we get to see now in films. *I'm* certainly not complaining. Just as long as Pixar is still in the picture, bliss is all I'll know.
Fav movies for 2007? Not too surprisingly, Ratatouille isn't number 1 on my list. Actually, it isn't on my list at all, as it usually is with every single Pixar flick since Toy Story. I happen to fall in love with the films after I've seen how great they really are in the movies when I've nothing else to do, or on DVD.
Pirates of the Caribbean: World's End is a must for me. I *have* to know what becomes of Davy Jones and if all the hype about Tia Dalma being Calypso is true.
Spiderman 3: I have never picked up a single comic in the entirety of my life, yet here I am loking forward to seeing our spidey hero gracing the silver screen again, even if it means braving another M.J. by Kristen Dunst. I am not a fan of that woman. Plus, Venom rocks.
Those are all the flicks I can think of at the moment that I'm really looking forward to.