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Old 12-27-2006, 04:50 PM   #7
Foster's Legend
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Originally Posted by PaperHatCat View Post
I really like this game and have played it a lot, but i'm never able to get the 2 buddies that are supposed to be won by playing this game (vampy and the witch) if its a highscore or something like that, could someone please post the score needed to get them and maybe do this for the other games it would be very helpful. thanks.
When you are at the chooser screen in the begining click on the My High Scores. If there are presents there then those are the scores to beat to get a collectable. once all presents have been collected from the high score table there are no more collectables for that game.

Each minigame has 3 games in it of increasing difficulty. the first game is unlocked when you unlock the minigame. the remaing two also need to be unlocked via filling the popularity bar.

When checking your score make sure tohit the Tabs to check the needed scores for all three games.

TIP: in GO with the Flow the levels are randomized as you advance levels. the best way to get the High Score is to build really long pipes that cover almost every square on each level. Making Huge Pipes is a sure way to get the High score in under 10 levels. (If my memory is correct.)

also look through this thread there are other tips on playing this minigame

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