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Old 12-24-2006, 07:45 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Partymember View Post
well, hopefully i'll get CD's and MAYBE a .30-30...i didn't specifically ask for it but i dropped hints like crazy

gator meat is sooooo damn tasty! 10 lbs. OMG i would gorge myself...

Yep, it is...and I can make a pretty awesome jambalaya myself, using a recipe I learned from the late, great Justin Wilson himself! Good thing about 'gator meat-it's not fattening, which is more than I can say about the rest of the stuff I eat this time of year!

My father usually gives me money for Christmas, which usually goes to pay bills and the property taxes on my home, which are due in January, sadly. I seldom have any left over to buy something I want. That just leaves my sister and my brother, and I haven't even gotten any clues as to what they will get me. My sister usually gets me something to wear, and my brother usually gets me something computer-related, like graphic software or a subscription to an online science magazine. My best friend and I exchange gifts on New Year's, since she usually goes to West Virginia to visit her parents on Christmas. Most of the time, she indulges me with a huge box of sugar-free chocolates, so I can't complain.

I always give people decorative wall calenders for Christmas, since a calender is something everyone needs, to keep up with appointments and whatnot, and something they can use all year-long, literally. I pick them based on something that the person is interested in, like my aunt, for instance. She has a Jack Russell Terrier she's crazy about, so I get her a JRT calender. My sister is into horses, so I get her a horse calender. My dad is interested in weather phenomenon, so I got him an "Extreme Weather" calender, which has really cool pics of bizarre lightning strikes and tornadoes and such. Thought I'd toss that out there in case some of you might be "stuck" on what to give someone next year.

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