I don't recall Coco ever going into Mac's mom's bedroom in Infernal Slumber. Although Coco may have seen the pictures of her room that Eduardo took. Personally though, I don't think Mac's mom created Coco. It just seems illogical.
Perhaps on the island when Douglas and Adam found Coco, and claimed that there were no humans on the island, they were wrong. Perhaps they hadn't searched very far before finding Coco, and automatically assumed that this was some strange and mysterious thing, and flew off with her without looking farther.
That poor girl, going to see her only friend, only to find she'd been STOLED.
It would make sence, since we don't know if every one learns to understand Coco RIGHT away, so if Coco was telling them "PUT ME DOWN YOU DORKS! I CAN'T LEAVE MY CREATOR!!" They may not have known. And at the picnic whenever Coco was trying to say something about herself, Adam would interrupt here, so another reason this theory could be put into place. INTERUPTION OF EXPLANATION.