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Old 08-25-2006, 11:43 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by bloonuggets View Post
There is, however, a lot of good stuff about Foster's on Wikipedia, as I have made many contributions to that site (Images, episode info, character bios, et al).
That's good and all--but, darnit, I WON'T be happy until somebody replaces that current GODAWFUL summary of Frankie on the main page.

The first sentence is fine, but the second--the one that goes "She is often pressured by Mr. Herriman to do chores around the house, but doesn't enjoy it, and considers herself to be 'punk rock'"--has to go. At face value, it is true--but it's spun to make it look like she's a unlikable brat who hates imaginary friends. Why does it mention on Madame Foster's summary that she is very kooky and spunky, yet there can't be at least a passing mention of the more positive aspect to Frankie's personality?


**Takes deep breath**

I actually really like Wikipedia overall... but when it comes to information about animation(Not just Foster's), let's just say I prefer other sources.

This so-called movie plot... to be honest, I agree with what others said, I wouldn't be excited even if it were real.

Last edited by Voxxyn; 09-23-2006 at 01:03 PM.
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