I am not so sure if the timing and aging of the friends at fosters completly symetric and the same for all firends.
For instance, maybe most friends do not age, Like the Scribbles and the Baby friends in the nursury.
Also I found it curious that Frankie had neve met NINA before. I should rewatch GWH, but it appears from the dialog and both caracters reactions and interactions that frankie did not know who Nina was until after Ed came out.
According to the Photo album both ED and Frankie were there on Year 4 and there are 34 photos, not including the last, nor the one that everyone is missing in. We also know there is never more than one photo in a single year, Nomater WHat, and there is never a retake if the photo fails Nomater what . thus Frankie would easily 34-36ish but since we know frankie is not this old we must assume that the fosters House does not possess the same time/space that we are use to. Therefor all the IF are an arbitrary age, and they all age at a arbitrary rate (If they age at all). Big Baby seems to be quite mature for his looks, while The Nursury IF may never age.
At least my spelling is a bit better in this post.