Nina looked to be around Mac's age when she thought of Eduardo, so she was probably around seven or eight when the fateful day of her being chased down by two bullies occurred. Unlike with Wilt, who had street music to suit the year, Eduardo didn't really have a 'theme' or song that matched with the era in which he as created. Therefore to determine Eduardo's age you must take into consideration Nina's by now, plus when Eduardo was given up for adoption.
Frankie started coming to the house the same time that Eduardo first arrived. Just how long has Frankie been at the house is a question given some say she's been in the house for a bit longer given the photos in The Big Picture. But we were given her date of birth in the Bus the Two of Us episode, showing she was born in 1984. So she was at least six or seven when she came to Fosters. 1991.
So, the big question is how long did Eduardo remain with Nina? To me, she seems the type who kept him on a bit longer then most. Who knows, maybe in a way he as handed onto her brother when Nina got a little bit too old for him to be with her all the time. He was created to be nice to him, after all. So whilst Nina would have been 7 when she created Eduardo, I think she kept him for 'herself 'until she would have been around 13 or 14. Time of a young girls life when things begin to change. Then, handed him onto her brother maybe for a little time, but he'd still be 'hers' given she created him. Brother being possibly 10-11 maybe kept Eduardo for just as long, 13 or 14. That's a possible 10 years Eduardo spent with Nina and her family until he was taken to Fosters in the year of 1991.
So, maybe just maybe Eduardo was created in 1981. Making him around twenty five years old, and Nina, having been 6-8 when she created him, now 33.
Hooray for maths and a rambling fangirls opinion!