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Old 12-12-2006, 09:46 PM   #39
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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This is really embarrassing. I have gotten a reply from the person who sent me the code - and no, it has not yet been legitimately released. They saw a mention somewhere of an upcoming Bigfoot buddy (probably posted by RedboXen or someone who has hacked the game, they didn't tell me who it was) and guessed until they got the right code. I wish they had told me that when they SENT it to me; but I have already posted it and I don't feel I should take it down or whatever to avoid a lot of complaining. I did post an apology to CN on my site though, in case anyone from there sees it. I should have asked where they got the code first, but then I tend to trust people. I just assumed nobody would give me a non-legitimate code after everything I've said about how I feel about that.

I have always been a little uncomfortable with all these lists being posted of things that have not yet actually become available or whatever in the game; there really are people out there with nothing better to do than try to get ahead of everyone else, and this can result in ruining the game for the rest of us. I can't stop people from posting those lists, and if people want to try to guess at stuff not released yet, that's fine. But I do NOT want this happening again. I feel that my entire site has been embarrassed because of this. I want to make it clear that I am not in the habit of trying to get secret information out to the public, and this was an accident.

edit: If anyone thinks I ought to remove the code from my site and from the forum, let me know. I'm torn on the issue.

Last edited by Sparky; 12-12-2006 at 09:52 PM.
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