Thread: Return to Oz
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Old 12-12-2006, 04:18 PM   #35
Foster's Legend
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The two couches were tied together as he had instructed, and some of the palm leaves had been tied on and the head was in place, but Jack was running around with a chicken with his head cut off whilst Billina was still trying to tie a few more knots into the rope. Tik-Tok, meanwhile was crashing into walls and talking like a maniac.

"Tie hog to-ge-ther feed fish-ies pret-ty flow-ers!!" he was yelling.

"What's happened?!" Mac shrieked.

"Tik-Tok go WAAUUU!!!" Jack replied, waving his arms to indicate something had gone wrong with the copper friend.

"His thoughts ran out!" Mac realised, and hurried over and quickly wound up the right key and Tik-Tok calmed instantaneously.

"Oooh. Thank you Mac. Me bet-ter now." he sighed in relief, loosing power of ones thoughts was a distressing situation, even for a copper army.

"We have to hurry guys! Mombi's coming!" Mac said as he hurried to the new beast before them and began sprinkling the powder of life all over it. The tail (which was a familiar looking golden broom), the couches, the wings which were finally tied on properly and lastly the head. The head looked like a horse, only its ears were much larger and it had a horn growing from the middle of its forehead. But the horn split down the middle, growing into what looked like antlers instead of one neat horn. Once it was all powdered Mac stepped back and waited.

They waited a good few moments.

"Nothings happening!" Mac wailed.

"Magic weeeerrrds." Jack pointed out, pointing to the powder.

"Oh." Mac felt foolish as he looked at the canister. "Eaugh. Weaugh. Teaugh!" he called out.

The creature sprung to life in an instant, ears flapping and eyes blinking. "Woah!" he shouted, "What the heck was that?!"

He got no answer since Tik-Tok was being pulled into the couches, and Billina was now in. Mac climbed in and he was just taking Jacks hands to help him in when the doors of the attic were thrust open and there stood Mombi. "MAAAACCC!" she shouted in a fury.

"Go, FLY FLY!" Mac screamed. "FLAP YOUR WINGS!"

The strange creature, with the head of a Gump and body of a sofa, shocked by all this happening lumbered forward. His large body smashed through the large locked window, and the terrace outside. Jack ran after them and jumped, managing to catch the tail as the large creature with his passengers toppled down below. Mombi rushed to the window and stared down, watching in amusement as he heard the shrieks and screams of those on the Gump's possible one way trip.

But just as they were about to crash into the floor, the large palm leaf wings caught an updraft and the Gump swerved, missing the ground and soared off over the city. Mombi's good mood ruined could only watch as the figure flew off into the distance. She could barely see them pull that pumpkinheaded man into the couches with them before they vanished. Screaming she stormed back through the castle, bursting out into the streets where the Wheelers were sleeping. "GET UP! GET YOU UP SQUEAKING IDIOTS!" she shouted, jolting them awake with a few kicks before pointing to the skies. "HE'S ESCAPING! MAC'S ESCAPING! GO GET HIM!! KILL THEM! Oh and by the way? BRING ME THAT CHICKEN!"

To be continued
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