Thread: Return to Oz
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Old 12-10-2006, 03:10 PM   #16
Foster's Legend
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Now, all what was left 'living' of the Emerald City was a copper, square Army who didn't even know half the story that had happened whilst he had been locked up. Mac soon wound up his actions, and explained to the Army what was going on outside. How Wheelers had taken over, the city in ruins, and talk of a Princess. Tik-Tok didn't know a lick of any of this, but given Mac was renown throughout Oz and good friends with the Scarecrow, agreed to come with him and protect him as an Army should. Unlocking the door, Tik-Tok peered down the narrow pathway. No Wheelers in sight.

"They is hid-ing to make us think they is gone." the Army said quietly as he could. "But we get to cast-le, see Prin-cess, and find out where Scare-crow go."

"Right." Mac replied, nodding his head and holding Billina close.

The trio set off down the hallway, it seemed instead of walking like regular people Tik-Tok actually bounced along like a huge, square kangaroo. He clanged as he walked, and Mac wished he had been made with legs since the noise would surely attract the attention of the Wheelers. And it certainly did, just as they were finally seeing the gates that lead to the Wizard's Palace, a whole herd of Wheelers suddenly attacked.

But what Mac didn't anticipate was Tik-Tok's reaction. He suddenly all but transformed, his whole body opening up, legs erupting from the bottom of his body and more arms from his sides. He hollered loudly, "TIK-TOK SMASH WHEEL-ERS!!!" and he did just that. He grabbed them by the wheels before throwing them away, smacked two together at a time with his new arms, and pretty much gave the Wheelers a run for their money. The first Wheeler Mac had met, the yellow one, had been caught by the scruff of the neck by Tik-Tok (who now had quickly turned back into the copper cube). He was screaming and wheezing in shock and pain, having now recieved a black eye by Tik-Tok.

"Talk for Mac!" Tik-Tok shouted, shaking the Wheeler in front of Mac.

Mac, still surprised by Tik-Tok's show of strength and power to transform, took a moment to find his voice. "W-what happened to the Scarecrow?" he finally asked.

The Wheeler growled, refusing to talk until Tik-Tok shown him his fist again. He blurted, "The Gnome King took him! The Gnome King! Only he knows where the Scarecrow is now!"

"Gnome King? Who is he?" Mac asked, having never heard of him.

"He's the ruler of Oz now! No more straw men in charge but a man of rock! And the Princess is in charge of the City! It is HERS now!"

Tik-Tok, Mac and Billina glanced at the other with some concern. So the Scarecrow was kidnapped, Emerald City in ruins, a Gnome King in charge and a Princess owns the city. Well obviously the two worked in cahoots with each other, so maybe the Princess knows. "We'll have to see the Princess then." Mac said finally. After some more 'talk' with the Wheeler, he agreed to show them to where the Princess was. He didn't like to, of course, but it was better then being beaten up by the copper square again. He'll have nightmares for weeks.

To be continued
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