Technically 'Return to Oz' wasn't written by Baum, it was based on two of his stories. Ozma of Oz, and another one I can't recall. But the movie itself is very good indeed. Now, on with the show!
Chapter 3: Rescuing Tik-Tok
Having learnt of the new threat, even if they didn't know what they were exactly, Mac and Billina continued along the now ghost city of Emeralds. Everywhere they looked there were statues of people, some random Beanielanders, and animals. Their faces were all the same, they were afraid, attacking or begging for something. Mercy, probably. Disturbed by these sights Mac set his eyes to the ground to avoid the statues. He was about to speak when he heard something pierce the silence, and send jolts of alarm up his spine.
Squeeeeeeaaaaaak went the noise, and both froze. It sounded like a wheel on a rusty trolley in a super market. The noise filled the air again, but this time four times as powerful. Mac hurried his pace, carrying Billina in his arms as he continued towards the large tower where the Wizard had once taken up residence.
But just as he turned a corner, something wheeled out in front of him and stood it's ground. It was yellow in colour, with black stripes visible where its fur was. Over its fur was clothing, black and ripped. But what was most startling was the creature was hunched over, its legs and arms longer then usual and instead of hands and feet, wheels took their place. It had spiked hair/fur atop its head, and wild eyes that latched with Macs, before grinning maliciously.
"Heh heh heheehh.. ya know.." it started, before slowly rolling forward causing Mac to back up. "Somethin' tells me ya better hand over the chicken." he paused a few moments before screaming, "
"What? Why?!" Mac asked, taking another step back, hoping the uprooted trees and uneven bricks would cause the wheeled monster to fall over. It didn't. He seemed adapt to the terrain.
"Aw don't ask why. Just do it." he added, giggling at the end of his sentence as if he had been gassed with laughing gas.
"No!" Mac shot back, before turning and run off.
The Wheeler, since that was what he was, sighed and shook his head before releasing a high pitched noise which was not unlike a scream or a call either. It echoed around the destroyed city, and it was answered back by what felt like hundreds of calls. The call to arms had been alerted, there was an intruder in the Princesses city! Out from behind pillars, out of the shadows, came more and more Wheelers and launched their chase against the young boy and more importantly, the chicken in his arms.
Who at this point, was clucking in terror. "Mac I don't know about you but I want to go home right now!" she cried, looking behind her to see not one, not two, but five various Wheelers of different size and colour after them.
Mac kept quiet, focusing on maundering around the statues and pavement. He passed quite a few young children statues; the girls were all missing their heads. But he could barely take that in, since he suddenly saw another heard of the creatures coming right at him. Now surrounded both behind and in front, he turned and ran down a narrow passage way in hopes it would lead somewhere.
It didn't.
He skidded to a halt and stared up at the high wall in front of him. Hearing the squeaking wheels and laughter echoing behind him he began searching, desperately, for something that would help him and Billina.
"Mac, Mac! There!" Billina was pecking at a piece of the rock, "Look!" she sqwarked. Mac looked, and sure enough there was a key hole. Fumbling in a pocket whilst still holding Billina in one arm, he found what he was looking for. The key he'd found on Old Man Rivers front lawn. He managed to push the key into the lock,
"C'mon please work please work..." he begged out loud and some higher being must have heard him, for a 'CLICK' filled the air. The large door swung open, and Mac vanished inside and slammed it shut behind him, just as the Wheelers had caught up. The larger ones couldn't fit down the narrow pathway, and the smaller ones ended up crashing against the door, which had become a wall again.
In the darkness Mac and Billina gave out a sigh of relief.
"Ya can't stay in there forever!" shouted the Wheelers Mac had met from outside. "When you come out we'll have you! And your CHICKEN!" the laughter bounced off the walls outside. "Oohh Princess is going to be so furious with you!"
"Princess?" Mac asked out loud, peeking through the keyhole. "What Princess, where's the Scarecrow? What did you do to him?"
He got no answer other then more shrill cries of laughter, and the sound of squeaking wheels filled the air as they wheeled away giggling some words like 'Scarecrow', 'Chicken' and 'Princess'. Soon they were gone, and Mac had a wave of both relief yet concern wash over him. The Wheelers had a point, they couldn't stay in here forever.
Lucky for them there was a broken window high in the ceiling, casting some light upon a dark situation. But what they didn't expect, was company. Sat in the middle of the spider web covered room, was a large square. Well, it looked like a square at first. Mac walked slowly towards it, before he realised it wasn't just a square. It was someone, some
thing. He had a face, two large eyes that were shut and a gaping mouth which was also open as if he had been shouting. Arms stuck out on either side of his square body, but he wasn't flesh and blood. He looked similar to the Tin Bird, made of metal. But whilst she had been tin, he was copper.