Originally Posted by Thornwhistle
It's like this:
I turn the hard drive and the monitor on,I heard the hard drive making it's noise,but the screen shows nothing,it's like it's not on. So,I turn them both off again,because they're not working. I even checked the wires,but nothing came loose.
Most computers have internal speekers.
If you press the power on your computer and everything sounds normal, ie: Hard drive does not sound funky or skipping but normal.
Then you are likrly looking at the issue being the monitor.
If the computer has a speeker (internal) when you power up, if it does not detect a default vidio bios then the computer is suppose to beep. In other words if the monitor and cable are on correctly and working when you start up you should either hear some strange beeps or see the vidio bios flash on the screen, If neither of these happen then the monitor is usually the problem. sometimes if you look at the pins on the cable one may be bent and they are extreamly difficut to straiten.
I have seen some BAd CPU/Motherboards that did not beep, this is more common on cheeper computers made in the past 4 or five years.
Good Luck