Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Funny you should ask that! I wore mine today while shopping at the mall in Pineville, North Carolina, where there is a Hot Topic. I walked in there to see if they had the Foster's shirt with all the characters(they didn't-sold out), and was IMMEDIATELY "mobbed" by one of the employees, who was your typical "Goth" Hot Topic type-black hair, black lipstick, pierced eyebrows, all-black clothing, black nail polish-you get the picture. Looked a lot like me when I was in college and going through my "Punk" phase, really. Anyway, I had just walked in, had not said a WORD to anyone, and she spots me and starts squealing, "OH MY GOD! DONCHA just LOOOOVE WILT!!?" It was really weird, honestly-she KNEW that I was a Wilt fan just from the shoes, and KNEW that I'd come in that store to look for the t-shirt, and before I could even TELL her that, she said, "Oh, man...we like, had those shirts with Wilt and all the rest of the guys on it, but it like, sold out two days after we got 'em in...sorry!" We then spent the nest half-hour discussing Good Wilt Hunting until another customer needed help finding someing, and I realized how late it was and I still hadn't finished Christmas shopping.
I'm telling y'all, Converse and Cartoon Network are missing out on a HUGE merchandising bonanza here, by marketing those All-Stars with Wilt's picture on 'em!