Thread: Wilt
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Old 12-08-2006, 01:49 PM   #582
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Originally Posted by Cell_Phone_guy View Post
One thing about Wilt I can imagine.

At the end of Foster's Goes to Europe, Wilt expresses his dissapointment to Mac for "losing" the plane tickets. I bet he would react like this when he found out that Madame Foster stole them.

Wilt: {Pause} Well, Madame Foster has done a lot for us...

(But then, I could picture Bloo wanting to learn how Madame Foster stole the plane tickets so he could try it himself.)

That would definately put Wilt in a bit of a bind, insofar as speaking up about it. So far, he has NEVER said anything negative or "talked back" to Madame Foster or to Frankie, though he DOES sometimes use a very subtle form of sarcasm or suck his teeth(a gesture of disrespect in some cultures) whenever Mr. Herriman says something he objects to. He really would not be able to voice his displeasure at what Madame Foster did with his and the others' tickets, though, since she DOES let him stay in HER house, free of charge, and has final say-so over who stays. I'd figure that he would apologize, sincerely and profusely, though, to Mac upon finding out what really happened to those tickets, since he got on Mac's case pretty badly about it.

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