I thought it may be nice to start a thread to point out some of the game bugs that do not prohibit us from playing, but would help outline some of the minor issues and inconsistancies found in the game.
a few examples:
WHen finishing the first Christmas adventure with bloo, the ICON when COCO gives the collectibel is for the IF album but the picture is actually the Bloo and Mac album.
GO with the flow on higher levels gives board layouts that are imposible to solve, and since you do not get any points in this game unless you solve the board it is pointless in giving these unsolvable boards. I had drains pointing directly into Blocked spaces, and I have had the boards with 2 drains where there was not enough blank spaces to route both hot and cold water.
In Jet car Jump occationally one of the other caracters would drop off the street and drive strait to the finish on the far right side of the screen without crashing.
In All Washed Up occationally fell completly off the scree and had to wait for timeout. This also happened on at least one other game a few months ago but I forgot which game it was.
Shouldnt the pool be frozen with all the snow?
Having unfinished chores from last login when new update is released causes unusuall gameplay - like mayflower on dock in snow.
on the bright side, some fixes have been introduced.
for example-
the basketball rug was automatically given to anyone that recieved the Inflatable turkey from All washed up
and the Inflatable Turkey was removed if one did not complete level 3 of Jet Car Jump.
I think the bug of Madam Foster saying Bloos soundbytes was also repaired.
On an difficult to solve side:
People not getting a party and not getting the party hat if they missed there birthday - this is hard to solve since one would not want to give the hat to anyone that started BFAHP after their birthday has past, but on the other side of the coin, what about those younger players that were not able to login on there birthday. it is not fair to them.
Another story issue someone that started after september has access to the elevator, but eventually they will catch up, and start playing old adventures. when they reach the Elevator adventure, Will it still make sence? will it be consistant? It has been a while sine I did that adventure so I am really speculating.
I also thought it seemed a bit out of place to have access to the basement before starting the "Trunk in the Basement" adventure if I remember correctly we had to get permission from Madam Foster to enter the basement, but I was able to wonder down there and explore before I started the adventure.
(once again my memory could be poor here)
I hope others can contribute to this list of minor bugs and inconsistancies, maybe the developers would find this and use it improve BFAHP.
but lets hope they focus on NOT having a repeat of Early august. were login errors were happening daily.....