Originally Posted by Sparky
I may love to sew now, but being trapped in the fabric store while my mom shopped when I was a kid was AWFUL. I have memories of spending hours laying on my stomach on one of the stools at the table where you looked through the pattern catalogues just spinning around and around. If Bloo spins on the stools at the pattern catalogue table in this episode I will just about die.  I don't know who wrote the ep but if it was Lauren that would be awesome, as we know she also sews a lot nowadays, and perhaps she too was forced to waste away waiting for her mom or someone in the fabric store as a small child.
I TOTALLY did that, TOO! That, and play hide-and-seek with some random other prisoner...I mean kid...behind skenes of cloth, until some other old lady came up and blessed us out for creating a disturbance. I mean, this was TRAUMA for a kid!
This is one of the funniest things about this show, though-there are so many situations, Imaginary Friends or not, that many of US have been through, and can relate to. They weren't funny at all when WE experienced them, but through the characters on the show, we can now laugh at our own mishaps, whether it was Frankie getting the shopping cart with the "wonky" wheel(I was like, "HEY! That one's MINE!")or getting behind that old lady in the checkout line who can't find her checkbook(I swear that is the same one *I* always end up behind), or Bloo winding up in a fabric shop with an old lady, it just mirrors real life so much you can't help but laugh.