"You think so? I no go overboard with ribbon?" he enquired, pointing to said piece.
"Pft, nah. Suits you." the Tin Bird also coco'd a few compliments, her girly side shining through with just how puffy and lovely he looked. Being able to understand her the Lion blushed a good few shades darker as they finally made it to the doorway in which the Scarecrow had vanished. They waited for a moment, and then the door was pulled open from within and out he stepped.
He had been restuffed with the finest straw one could find, his clothes washed and dried quickly, but what was most noticeable was they had fixed not only his arm, but his eye. The left arm which had been nothing more then a stub when they had first met him, now was as long and red as his right one. His busted eyestalk had been fixed, and the eye on top was as big and blinking as the other. The grin on his face couldn't begin to contain all the joy he was obviously feeling. The very sight of him caused the group to stop and stare at him in amazement.
"They fixed you!" Mac declared,
"Yup!" the Scarecrow replied, holding up his new hand and wiggling his long fingers experimentally. "Isn't it great? I mean, I told them oh no you don't have to but they kept insisting and well... Look at me guys! I've never been unbroken before! This is so awesome, and look at you all! You look so awesome too! This is just AWESOME!" seemed the Scarecrow had been set on 'awesome' since it was like every fourth word to leave his mouth.
Finally they left the beauty parlour, looking and feeling like they were finally up to scratch to see the great and powerful Wizard of Oz. How could he turn them away now that they looked like such high class citizens? Simple, he couldn't! But the joy was cut short as screams of terror filled the air and the citizens of the Emerald City near by were pointing skyward, shrieks of fear accompanying the faces. The Scarecrow looked up first, since he could finally see with two eyes he wanted to make the best of them. What he saw sent fear rolling through his newly packed body, for it was the Wicked Witch of the West.
She was atop her broom stick, circling the Emerald City but when she realised she finally had the attention she was after, black smoke began leaking out of the back of her broom. Then she began to spell in the sky, like how planes do in today's modern world.
"It's the witch!" the Scarecrow cried, and the Lion put his large paws over his eyes and cowered in fright.
"Did she follow us here?" Bloo asked, annoyed at their ugly stalker even more so then ever. But when it became apparent what she was spelling, even Bloo turned a lighter shade of blue.
The tall black letters couldn't be mistaken. They knew what, and who she as after. Mac gulped, but he felt the group close in just slightly more around him, probably out of fear that the witch could magic him away from them, even from within the Emerald City. The Lion even released a low growl, since having had the words read understood what the witch was after he realised his fears had to be forgotten for now. No one, especially not an ugly old witch would get Mac.
"N-now what do we do?" Mac asked, and the Scarecrow watched as throngs of worried Emerald City residents began rushing in one direction. He over heard them shouting things that the wizard would know who this Mac is, and he'd explain everything.
"We have to follow them, and hopefully see the Wizard before anything else happens!" he cried, and that set the group in a rush after the crowd of green, almost becoming lost in the forest of legs and dresses.
To be continued