Chapter 6: The Emerald City
The giant doors of the Emerald City seemed to stretch on forever, and the Lion felt he'd suffer from a sore neck if he continued to stare up at it. Having gotten over their bout of sleepiness, the troupe stepped closer. The huge green door had a silver knocker within arms reach, but also a dangling gold chain for a bell. The Scarecrow, being the tallest and able to reach the bell wrapped his long fingers around it and tugged. The bell chimed loudly, announcing their arrival and it didn't take long for a hole in the wall to open and a guard to look out.
Now normally guards were older gentlemen, or something of the like. This guard wouldn't be any older then Mac, and she was female. Her hair fell into three plaits that sprawled in all directions, and she was dressed in a green outfit to match that of the city. She didn't look happy either, so unhappy the Lion took a few steps back. "Uh ex-ca-OOZE me," she started, folding her arms around the hole, "But who's the smart-alec who rang the bell I mean come on unless you're totally blind and unable to see why would you ring the bell, unless that is if you are blind how could you even find your way here unless you can feel through your feet and if you can do that then I'd be WAY impressed; but anyway why'd you ring the bell huh huh huh?"
They stood in silence for a few moments, the Scarecrow having lost what she was saying when she talked about seeing with feet. Mac finally realised what she had asked, somehow in that jumble of words. "Um... we did...?" he asked nervously.
"Well DUR I see that now silly head what I'm asking is why'd you ring the bell if you read the notice I so plainly put up for all to see once they arrive at the City huh? You can't read or are you a blind foot seeing person?" she asked again.
This time the Scarecrow answered, "I'm sorry but there is no sign."
"No sign??" she asked, eyes wide. "Whaddya mean there's no sign of course there's a sign I spent all day on that sign yesterday 'n I put it up right there, can't you see it's right-" she stopped, when she realised that yes indeed, there was no sign anywhere. She narrowed her eyes. "Bendy!" with that she vanished back behind the door. Moments later she returned, hung the sign on the door and slammed the hole shut and vanished again.
The group read the sign aloud, as one. "Bell out of order. Please knock."
Bloo rolled his eyes, "It wasn't out of order..." but either way he knocked on the door.
Once again the guard reappeared, this time in a different hole so she was face to face with the Scarecrow. "That's the way guys! Good for you! I was totally afraid that you couldn't read or something, where'd you go to school? Cornfield High? I heard of that place, they got a ear of corn for a mascot but why'd they call an ear of corn an ear anyway I mean they can't hear anything, can they hear anything? I guess you would know being a Scarecrow 'n all but maybe you can't hear them either since it looks like you don't got ears unless you could those floppy things by the side of your face. Anyway I'm getting off track, what's your business?"
"We wanna see the Wizard." Bloo said, interrupting the Scarecrow who looked like he was about to make a point about him being able to hear things just fine. But he didn't want to be held up by this blabbermouth any longer then she already had.
"The wizard?!?" she asked, sounding aghast. "Oh guys you can't see the Great Oz I mean nobody's ever seen him cuz I hear if you see him your eyes melt outta yer face or somethin! I've never seen him either! He's like this totally majorlly important Wizard 'n I don't think he can see anyone like you I mean you're a kid a blob a lion a birdplantplane thing and a very tall scarecrow. I think he's got a day off today I can't be sure his secretary doesn't talk to me anymore can you believe the nerve of that guy?"
"Whaddya mean we can't see him and how come no one sees him? How'd you know there's one if no one sees him?" Bloo snapped back, growing more and more agitated with ever passing second spent with this chatterbox.
"Bloo. Like she said, he's really busy. But please, um, miss, we've come a really long way to see him and.." he blinked, then remembered. "The Good Witch of the North sent us!"
"Wooaaahhhh really?" she asked, before eyeing them suspiciously. "Prove it that you met the Witch of the North, go on. Prove it."
"He's wearing the ruby shoes from the Wicked Witch of the East!" the Scarecrow declared, actually pulling Mac up so he was high enough for the guard to see the sparkly shoes. Once she did she had to snort.
"They're so not your colour. I'd think maybe green would look better on you but anyway them's the shoes all right! That's totally a horse of a different colour so I guess I gotta let you in now! Lucky for you I'm on watch 'n not the new guy we got in. He'd totally make you turn back." she then vanished from sight, and the sounds of something large and mechanical being turned on filled the air. The large doors finally began to slowly open, and as they opened the Scarecrow set Mac back down on the ground.