Yeah... here it is (You can tell I lied


"Hello senior Cheese! I is glad to see your eyes are better!" Ed said. Cheese smiled evily. Eduardo backed off slowly. "BANNAAAAA!" Cheese yelled jumping on the purple friend. SPLAT! "Banana! Banana in my fur!" Eduardo yelled running around panicking. Frankie rushed in. When she saw it was Cheese again she started to fume. "Errr....
CHEESE!" she freaked out. It echoed through out the house.
"Uh-oh Frankie's mad" Goo said. "Coco co" Coco replied."Got that right sista" Goo responded.
"I...I...I..." Frankie wanted to say hate you but couldn't spit it out. "Y...Y...YOU are the most idiotic, annoying, little pest ever! You mess up the house. You torture people like Ed or wilt or George or ME! You screw upthe TV! You aren't supposed to flip threw the TV for hours! You waste water! You throw food everywhere! You are going to drive me straight in the insane ASYLUM!" Frankei screamed, by now a group sorunded Frankie & Cheese. Cheese had not listened his eyes were crossed & his tounge stuck out threw a side. "I love you" he suddenly said hugging her & kissing her leg. "...Momma" he finished. Frankei suddenly went from raged to sad. She slowly smiled. "*sigh*
great..." she mumbled. She rubbed his head. 'This will be along life" she thought knowing no one would ever adopt him. "What'd I miss?" Bloo rushed in. Everyone stared at him. "Come oooon tell me!" he begged.
Now that this is over, I will actually have plots that are continuous. This was just to set up having Cheese w/o Louise. I'm working on "2 Puppets & an Idiot" & "I Love Frankie" right now both of which should be up in a couple days, probally Tuesday.