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Old 12-03-2006, 11:02 AM   #8
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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There are 2 kinds of commericals that REALLY REALLY piss me off. One is when they have like 2 different products like Pepsi and Coca cola on the same commercial, and they have to compare saying "we do this better" which is another way of saying "SCREW cola drink pepsi".

I hate that. I know it's commercials job to get you to buy stuff, but it just comes off as rude to me to bash another product that I may or may not like. The second one is commercials that have people doing something incredibly stupid that you KNOW they would never do in RL.

Like those god awful Comcast commercials where the guy climbs up on his roof top during a thunder storm to bash his satellite dish with a baseball bat to get good reception? WHO THE HELL DOES THAT? Come on, no one is that desperate to watch cable for god's sakes. I use Comcast myself but still, it's just idiotic.
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