Foster's Legend
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 1,120
"N-nothing." Mac replied with a yawn, "I just feel... pretty tired..." he added. "Bloo...?" he asked, but Bloo had already collapsed in the flowers, dead to the world.
"Oh. Well here, I'll pull you along if you want. Is that okay?" the Scarecrow cast his one eyed glance to the Emerald city again. They were so close. So close.
"I'm sorry guys but... I really.. have to stop fo... for a minute." Mac curled up on the ground, despite sleeping in the dirt wasn't the best thing to do.
Already the Tin Bird seemed to pick up something was very wrong. They had slept quite well the night previously, why would Mac, Bloo and also the Lion suddenly look so tired? It was only affecting those who were actually 'alive'. The Scarecrow didn't breath, and neither did she, so they were immune to whatever it is that was causing them to fall asleep. She nudged Mac with her foot, in an attempts to push him but found it was like trying to move something a million times heavier then it should be.
"Co cococo co!" she declared, as the Lion too succumbed to the sudden sleepiness and collapsed, causing the ground to shake.
"Wicked Witch?" The Scarecrow echoed, terror lancing through his voice again. Why didn't he think of that? It really WAS only affecting Mac, Bloo and the Lion. He and the Tin Bird were fine. "It is! It's a spell! What can we do, what can we do?"
But the Tin Bird was already crying in despair. She was of no more any help, until she finally cried out, "CO!" which was a cry for help.
"It's no use screaming at a time like this, nobody will hear you!" the Scarecrow said to her, before he too suddenly began shouting for help. "HELP! HELP! OH HELP! WHATEVER SHALL WE DO I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING HELP!"
Normally standing in a field of flowers and screaming for help wouldn't get you anywhere, but it seemed somehow, somewhere, someone did hear the cries for help. The Good Witch of the North lifted her head, and she heard the echoed cries of help from the Scarecrow and she sensed what evil was doing. She growled dangerously and clenched her fist before shaking it slightly, but then shook her wand. Almost automatically, the skies above the field of flowers gathered and snow began falling down upon the group. The Scarecrow, who was the only one still working stared upwards as the snow fell in stunned silence. "Snow? It's snowing? It isn't. YES! It is! Oh, I hope this helps? I hope it does." he looked to the Tin Bird, who was still bent over the Lion in a motion of trying to shake him awake; but he failed to notice she had rusted solid. "But what if it doesn't help? I'm sorry but that wouldn't be okay at all..."
"Why is it snowing?"
The Scarecrow spun on his heels and almost toppled over, for he had heard Mac's voice. Sure enough, he was awake with his hair covered in snow.
"MAC!" he shouted in glee, falling to his knees. "It worked, it really did! Oh man that's great! It's beyond great!"
"What the, who said anything about SNOW?" Bloo asked, trying to shoo the snow off his head.
The Lion too had finally began to stir, and his large eyes opened and he sat up. Realising he had snow in his fur, he quickly shook himself, sending a flurry of snow into the air again. "I es no remembering anything saying it was to snow." he mumbled. It didn't take long for the group to realise the Tin Bird had rusted, so Mac pulled her oil can from his backpack and began oiling her joints again.
Back at the Wicked Witch's castle, the flying henchman had to duck to avoid being hit with the bowl that had held the red powder. "CURSE THAT GOOD WITCH OF THE NORTH!" she screeched, "Sticking her nose into MY business! That's it! I'm off!" she stormed away and picked up her golden broom, and made her way dramatically to the large window and sat side saddle on it. "To the Emerald City!" she barked her order, and leapt from the window. The broom levitated, and the silhouette of the Wicked Witch vanished into the horizon. She had a message to deliver, and she'll make sure everyone in Oz gets to see it.
To be continued.
(small chapter, but eh.)