Thread: Wizard of Oz
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Old 12-02-2006, 10:49 PM   #35
Foster's Legend
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Chapter 5: Poppies

The darkness that surrounded the Wicked Witch of the West's castle was infamous by now. Ever since she had taken over the castle from the old royals who once ruled the West of Oz, dark clouds constantly hung around the surroundings, sending that particular area of Oz into almost eternal darkness. It never rained, so things were dry, brittle and dying. She cared little for the surroundings anymore; for all she cared about was her life surrounded by her guards, and of course her flying monkeys. Yes, monkeys. No one knew how she came to be in possession of such a number of monkeys, and how they could fly exactly. When she first appeared all those years ago she already had them, and no one really had time to ask them how they came to be since normally if you saw flying monkeys that normally meant they had been sent to rip you to pieces.

Either way, the Wicked Witch was sat in her top most tower, staring into a small glass ball that sat on a table. Her eyes narrowed maliciously as she stared at the glowing orb, which seemed to be projecting an image of the travellers making their way down the yellow brick road. By now they had reached a stream, and the Lion was once again carrying them across since the Scarecrow would grow soggy when wet, the Tin Bird would rust, and Mac and Bloo just didn't want to get wet.

Sat behind her was one of her flying monkeys; he had thick black fur over his entire body save for his face. His ears were quite large, and his teeth seemed to be jutting out from his mouth. He needs a dentist, post haste, but isn't about to get one. As he watched the Witch watch the travellers, he picked at one of his large ears with a finger as she continued to glare with all the intensity of a million suns.

"Just look at them, the filthy disgusting motley crew they are!" she spat finally, "Not even my beautiful Extreme-O-Saurs could get them! And that IDIOTIC Lion! Those stupid squirrels swore he'd go through with devouring them all!" the Witch clenched a fist, "They shall be arriving at the Emerald City soon..."

The winged monkey was now picking his nose with his thumb.

"That's it!" she was up and across the room in a flurry, pulling items from a cupboard. After tossing the unwanted items behind her, she finally returned clutching a bowl with grounded up powder in it. "This will stop them. Then we can get those shoes! That little brat wears them horrendously, they would be FAR more fashionable as someone as beautiful as myself."

Her Hench monkey made a few grunting noises in the back of his throat.

She dipped her hand into the bowl and sprinkled the powder into the air above the orb. "Poppies shall put them all to sleep!" the image in the glass ball changed to that of the field that surrounded the famous green city. Automatically flowers began blooming across the green fields, changing the green colour to bright red to match the ruby shoes that Mac was indeed still wearing. He actually had to stop his walk, to rub at his feet.

"Man, how do girls wear these things?" he asked, hanging onto the Scarecrow's leg to rub his foot.

"They still look fabulous on you." Bloo smirked, folding his arms.

"Si, I agree!" the Lion added, nodding his head in agreement.

"I was being sarcastic." Bloo said dryly.


After Mac had allowed his feet a quick rest the group continued along the yellow brick road, which had once again, ran into some trees. But nothing as thick as the Lion's home, or that of the Extreme-O-Saurs. What they saw, shining through the trees caused a few of them to stop in their tracks out of awe. And that was from a mere preview; for once they rounded the trees right before them stood the fabulous grant and majestic city. The Emerald City. It sparkled in the brilliant light, reflecting off the light. The tall green towers reached for the skies, and it seemed to emit an aura that said it was very amazing, and you should feel humbled to be in it's presence.

"Oh... wow." the Scarecrow finally said, "It's bigger then I imagined."

"It es muy bueno!" the Lion declared, his long tail wagging like that of a dog's.

"Cococ cocococo coco co co!" added the Tin Bird, exclaiming how they had finally arrived after so long. Bloo whistled, trying to sound not as impressed as he really was. Mac meanwhile had taken in the sight of the city, then saw all the flowers spread out before them like a red carpet.

"It's so close, finally!" the Scarecrow grinned, taking one of his long steps into the flowers. "C'mon guys!"

Over come with what could possibly be awe and amazement, and happiness for finally ending their long trek to this city, the whole group broke out into a run to cross the flowers. The Scarecrow lead the way, given how long his strides were. Even if he tripped a few times, he still kept far ahead. The Tin Bird was right at his heels, and then the Lion was directly behind her whilst Mac and Bloo took up the rear of the procession. They came to a stop at the last hill before the flowers would finally end, to take in the scenery of the Emerald City. It looked even more amazing then before.

But it seemed three of those gathered had suddenly been smacked in the face by the sandman. The Lion looked totally exhausted, the bags under his eyes much heavier then before. Bloo was already snoring, half awake and half asleep and Mac rubbed his eyes.

"Mac? What is it?" the Scarecrow asked, having spotted how tired the young boy looked.
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