Sparky is right, thanks to things like COPPA that sort of game whould be a logicistial nightmare to moderate and whould cost the company running it more that it could hope to make in revenue.
Games like WOW and other MMORPG insist you sign up with a credit card and that your over 18 because then they dont have to comply with COPPA.
Even tho there are a lot of adult fans of Fosters (hint: Im not as old as Sparky but I'm not too far behind her) it is mostly a cartoon aimed at children so you'd have problems with moderation.
So far the best system that anyone has come up with, I think, is Nintendo with the buddie code on the DS. You can only talk/play with people who's code you know, and you have to exchange codes via some other means than Nintendo's system. So should I be a kid who does something stupid in connection with someone from my buddie list, then Nintendo can move the blame to whereever I made the contact with the person to get his/her buddie code.
Its a shame that there is not real "safe" way of letting kids enjoy those sort of games, but thats unfortunatly the nature of the internet.