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Old 12-01-2006, 10:51 AM   #2
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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This is what I think:

Unless CN currently has or has had in the past, online games where people interact with other players in any way, I don't think this will happen. If you've noticed (to the best of my knowledge anyways), so far ALL of the Foster's games have been ones where people do not interact with one another - having learned all about COPPA for this forum I know how many legal issues arise when you gather personal information from children and allow them to interact with one another online. CN would be hankerin' for a lawsuit if ANYTHING went wrong. Right now, the way their games are set up where you don't have to give them so much as an email address, and NOBODY interacts with strangers over the internet, they have their butts pretty well covered.

Not trying to be a killjoy, just presenting the facts as I know them. Again, if CN has any other cartoons that have online games like you described, then yes, they may extend that to Foster's. Otherwise, I'd be surprised if they risked it.

But yes, it'd be cool, and *I'd* play.
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