Thread: Wizard of Oz
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Old 11-30-2006, 06:19 PM   #9
Foster's Legend
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The two waited for more information. After it didn't come, Bloo asked "Wait. That's it?"

"Yup. All yellow brick roads lead to Emerald City. So just follow the road." she nodded before she suddenly faded not just away, but into the form of the pink bubble again. Those gathered waved and bid her farewell as she began to float away on the breeze again.

Bloo watched her go, before waving his arms. "Wait! Can't you give us a lift? Hey! HEY!!" but she was either ignoring him, or couldn't hear for soon she was gone. Bloo snorted, "Man. What a rip off. We gotta walk all the way?"

"I guess so..." Mac said, before looking down at the road they were indeed walking on. Every single brick was bright yellow, and the long trail vanished onto the horizon. He looked over his shoulder at the toys and various other friends, all watching their ever move. "So uh.. this way?" he pointed. They nodded enthusiastically. "Great. Thanks."

"No thank YOU Mac and Bloo!" said the pink squirrel creature, "You'll never be forgotten here!"

"Remember, get my GOOD side!" Bloo shouted back as the two vanished onto the horizon towards a city in which hopefully their salvation lay.

To be continued again
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